Enough is Enough

First, I want to thank those who have been following my blogs and encouraging me for your patience for me to get back to writing again. I must admit, there were plenty of times I wanted to sit at the keyboard and “let loose,” it just never seemed to click.

The last four years have been hard due to the house fire, but struggles continued after we moved home as well. At first just moving in was hard because it was about a month and a half after Peter and I both got out of the hospital with the flu and double pneumonia. I was on oxygen, diagnosed with stage 2 COPD and dealing with weight gain from being laid up from injuries from the fire. Not burns, nerve damage from when I went back into the house to save our German Shepherds. So, at this point, we were in a beautiful home I wasn’t able to enjoy.

I had hired different housekeepers which through this process, I realized how much of my mother ran through my blood. We managed to get just the right cleaning equipment and I set a schedule for cleaning the house. All was well if I didn’t overdo it. At least once a week I had to take a painkiller and twice a week a muscle relaxer.

About 9 months ago I got the wonderful news that I did not have COPD and it must have been some residual from the pneumonia leftover in my lungs. Praise the Lord!!! I was able to do things without needing my oxygen and getting a little more active. Then tornadoes started happening and all the pollen and anything else you could imagine was tossed about. It was at that point I couldn’t breathe good and needed oxygen again. My pulmonologist did a skin allergy test and had to start me with antihistamine nose sprays. After about 2 months everything started evening out again until this fall. I was always on oxygen and if I got off the couch to do anything (without oxygen) it would quickly drop to low 80s. Long story short, through medication and my physician discussing how bad it was with my insurance company I am now taking a shot every two weeks for moderate to severe asthma. The reason is my allergies trigger asthmatic attacks; thus, allergy-induced asthma. Again, Praise the Lord!!! My oxygen is doing fine since I started the shots. Also, I have been able to lose a lot of weight just with diet. God is good!

I gave you this history lesson to get to the story. I was talking with Bob Stacy (pastor) about how bummed I feel sometimes. I went through my medications, the face that I’m on oxygen and recently had to get hearing aids. I informed him that’s the first steps of getting old and I’m only sixty years old!!! Even though I tried joking through it the tears started trickling down my cheeks. It was at this point Bob did what Bob does best…. he prayed for me. During his prayer he prayed from his heart saying “Enough is enough…” At the end of his prayer I added a P.S. stating “…and when we feel that enough is enough, may we be reminded what Jesus went through for us.” Amen.

I am not saying that I sometimes don’t “feel” that enough is enough, but I know that God has a plan, and He has me in His hands, no matter what. It is true, we have all felt enough is enough. Sometimes it may be at work, with our spouse, with our children…we all are familiar with that feeling. Just be aware that feelings come and go, be sure to pray your way through all of them for His guidance.

Enough is enough can also be with pets. This year my “babies” (little dogs) shattered two of my tablets while spazzing out chasing each other. After I got the 2nd new one, I got back on Star Trek Command game and found a wonderful Christian group to be a part of. Through chatting I shared with a player that I had a block on my writing since the fire. He shared that as a vet, he has the same problem with drawing due to his PTSD. I told him we’d make a pact that he would draw before the end of the year and I would blog; that we would not continue to allow the enemy to keep a block between us and God’s gifts and blessings. He agreed and said before Christmas.

World, I guess I’m back!!! Enough is Enough!!! Will you also join us with letting go and going forward in this upcoming New Year? I pray that the Holy Spirit convicts whoever is being held back…ENOUGH…IS…ENOUGH!!

This is DeVaughn ~ bringing it home.

Beyond Blessings

There is no doubt that every day God has blessed my life more than I know. There are always the secret blessings when He causes you to leave the house late to avoid a wreck, or possibly the alternator is still working because you gave money to someone who needed it and put your faith in Him. I have experienced blessings just as everyone else has ~ but what about beyond blessings?!

I heard a preacher talking about when Jesus was speaking to the multitude. These people were all being blessed. In fact, the preacher spoke of “burping on the blessings” on land while the ones that went with Jesus got to experience Him on a whole new level. That to me is beyond blessings!

The question is how can we experience this “beyond blessings.” It’s not like we get to see Jesus walk on water, heal the blind, and raise the dead. I can only speak of what I have experienced. After our home burned down it took a short while and I felt a sense of peace I have never felt before. When you are put into a situation that you are helpless and all you can do is put your faith in God ~ that’s when it starts. This peace that passes all understanding truly occurs when you know God is in control and leave everything in His hands.

Recently, my pastor friend, Bob Stacy, has had his world fall apart in a short amount of time. His wife, June, fell about three times in a week and called 911 on the third time. At the emergency room they did an MRI of her brain which showed possible lymphomas. As a breast cancer survivor, they needed to do a cat scan to make sure it was secluded. Praise God it wasn’t spread all over her body. She was transferred to Mission Hospital and onto St. Joseph’s Hospital in Asheville, NC.

Being my counselor and best friend, I knew Bob well, but was more of an acquaintance with June. I called her a couple of days ago and left a message we were praying for her. She called back and the person I was speaking to was different. I now knew this June, for she too had found that peace. After ten years, we have something in common. The last two years have been hard on me considering painful dealing with our contractor, being injured from going in to save the shepherds, plus the loss of our Chihuahuas in the fire. Eventually, this peace I had got mixed up into the turmoil of my life and I went back to “burping on the blessings.” Hearing June made me miss having that intense faith and peace knowing that God IS in control. After we got off the phone all I could do was cry; not just my happiness for her but for what I was missing.

Even though she’s facing a tough battle, she has been blessing others; not only with her peace but with her prayers for others at the hospital. Remember, sometimes God uses you to reach others. As we were talking, she shared a chorus with me God gave her about 5 in the morning. I giggled and told her that’s because we are women and it works that way. Our day has to be done, family in bed safe and secure and all is quiet…then we can hear God.

She gave me permission to share this chorus. I pray it will touch your heart with whatever you may be going through today as it did mine.

You are the life of my heart,
You are the light of my soul.
Father, You’re my everything,
And You’re in control.

June Stacy
5 a.m.
Oncology Ward
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Asheville, NC

This is DeVaughn ~ bringing it home.



“Memories light the corners of my mind

Misty water-colored memories of the way we were.”

~ Barbara Streisand




Memories play a big part of our lives for they can be both painful and joyful. The choice is totally left up to us which ones we focus on. I know I shared quite a few of my parents in my book and some of my Mama’s family. I want to take the time to share the other half of me ~ the Smith side (Daddy).


 I could write a book if I went into details describing each member. You had to get some thick skin because the more they loved you, the harder time they gave you. I definitely inherited that trait. Mama Smith had a house on Santa Fe Lake in Florida. There was a yearly Smith/Anderson reunion there which included the biggest fish fry you could imagine. What really stands out in my mind the most was my crazy cousins, Keith and Larry. A boat was brought and I never saw stunts they’d pull in water skiing in my life (again I was real young compared to them and didn’t get around much). I remember the time my friend, Clara Maddux Brown, went to the lake with us and we were swimming enjoying the day. Fortunately, Larry was there or I may not be here writing this. He calmly walked down on the dock, told me not to move, pulled out a pistol and shot over me. Mind you I was only in 5th grade; that alone scared me to no end. He killed a five-foot water moccasin that was swimming towards me. Another memory was when I stayed at the lake for a week and Aunt Trellie was there (Keith and Larry’s mother). Keith told me “whatever you do don’t try to tickle behind her legs when she’s doing dishes.” Of course, that intrigued me to no end so of course I had to try. She was Clint Eastwood with a dry towel; not needing to turn around to put a whelp on you. These are only a very few of the memories I have with so many more that keep a smile in my heart.


As I said earlier, memories can also hurt. For the last year and a half, since our home burned down, memories have been hard for me. PTSD has been intense, nightmares, tears from nowhere, the list goes on. Last night I heard what someone wrote which opened up the floodgates (we’ll get to that in a minute). I found myself remembering younger days and of good times with my family. I have wished over and over that Mama was still here to talk to throughout this nightmare. I am fortunate that I had two people, one from each side of my family, tell me they’d be my Mama after she passed. One of the beautiful women is Dianne Raker. She is a “little Hester”, give or take a few pounds. I mean that literally because neither one of them are bigger than a minute. The other is Iva Smith (again tiny). She was married to my Daddy’s brother, Uncle Demp. Now is where we continue…


 Aunt Iva passed away yesterday in peace and is now with our Savior. I called Keith and he shared with me something Larry sent to him. That’s when my floodgates opened and haven’t stopped. Larry gave me permission to include it. I probably wouldn’t have written this particular blog had he never written it. It took me out of thinking so much about the devastation and loss to remembering what really mattered ~ family. I am going to share it with you in hopes it can bless you like it has me.


” I, too am sorry to see the last of that generation pass.  I was taking an evening sundown cruise around the lake a few days ago and as I passed where the lake house was located. I could not help but remember the many good times spent there; the cousins, aunts, uncles, the water skiing behind the Big Orange, The Maybe and the 14’ Drurey, the night pitch fishing, Mama and Granddaddy and Aunt Ruby, the family reunions, the weekends with a full house from Jacksonville, Starke, Live Oak and of course Pompano.

 Well, now it is a memory.  But, just as I told my boys many years ago when I asked them to close their eyes while riding the ski lift in Beaver Creek, Colorado and be quiet and take in the sounds, smells and surroundings that they experienced and if they thought these things were special that they could always go back again later in life by closing their eyes and reliving those special moments through their memories.

That is what we all can do with our memories of the lake, it’s sounds, smells, good times, and special people.

 God’s speed Iva.







I would like dedicate this blog in memory of Iva Smith…

And all of my aunts and uncles

Who came from a generation of days never forgotten.


 This is DeVaughn ~ Bringing it home.




Have you ever looked into the mirror and felt like you were looking at a stranger? I sure have recently. Since the fire I have had a pinched nerve on and off. I went to speak on Mother’s Day weekend and by the time I got back I could hardly walk without pain. I had a new doctor and my first appointment was the end of May. She sent me for multiple exams, MRIs etc. Short and sweet the night of the fire L1 was compressed to 50%, degenerative arthritis, bulging discs and osteoporosis. OK, so where to from here? She sent me to a pain management team. The first doctor was to assess and see if it could be managed just with medication. He gave me medication to help manage the nerve pain, set me up for a nerve conduction test and a consult with another doctor for spinal injections.


I went to get the nerve conduction test only to find out the sensory part of the sciatic nerve on the left side is damaged. If you’re like me the following question was “How do we fix the problem?” It was further explained that the nerve is comprised of two channels, sensory and pain. The sensory part senses temperature, pressure etc. : all I had left was the pain. He politely told me nothing can be done except manage the pain with meds and injections. If I stand on my feet for work or sit too long (desk job or traveling) I will be in pain again.


Those of you who have kept up with my blogs and/or read my book already know before this I had already become disabled due to some medical issues and had to learn to like myself for what I could still do. What I could still do has once again changed. So yes…I miss me.


I miss playing the piano and walking as far as I wanted/needed to. I miss being independent and not having to ask for help. I miss being able to take care of my home without extreme pain. I truly miss working. I miss being active like I have been my whole life. I miss me.


I realized the day I was told this there was a part of me I missed even more. Somehow, a distance had come between me and God. I used to have such a close relationship nothing could shake my world up. This part of me not only did I miss ~ but had to get back. Fortunately, unlike the sciatic nerve issue, this is something I can change. I confided in my new neighbor (earth angel) and Bob Stacy. Not only did God send messages through these people to me but they also prayed with and for me.


As I called a dear friend today and told her about the results she shared Joni’s radio show she heard the other day. Joni said that she fought with God for a while after being paralyzed from the neck down. She has been in a wheelchair for 50 years now. I love what was shared with me. Joni stated that if she had totally given up and completely turned away from God ~ then she would’ve lost it all.


This darkness is not shared only by a few but many. We all go through times that we don’t “feel” God’s closeness. Oddly enough that’s when the true tests come. It’s easy to keep the faith when we feel Him walking by our side; but, when we don’t feel Him there it’s way too easy to drift away.


At this moment, please take the time to look into the mirror. Is your spiritual life what is was? Where you want it to be? Do you miss you? Remember, our relationship with God is like being married. You don’t always “feel” in love but you know you love that person. Just because you don’t always “feel” close to God doesn’t mean he’s not right by your side. He’s always there…waiting for your hand to reach out.


This is DeVaughn ~ bringing it home.


Strength in the Storm

Throughout Thanksgiving weekend so many thoughts went through my head and I started typing this blog as they came to me. Therefore, it may seem a little sporadic in its own way, but it is a mini version of the conversations between me and God over the last few days. I pray that you will enjoy your read and receive a blessing as well.


How grateful I am for the many blessings God has given us. We ARE alive and throughout the devastation and losses, have had a chance to realize just how valuable each day is and to live it to its fullest.

It’s amazing how losing everything you own can create a sense of peace. It wasn’t until I was left with just the shirt on my back did this realization come to be. So many times in life we hold onto things that unknowingly weigh us down. Since the fire, our clothes now consist of donations and a few store-bought items. I now have just enough makeup for the day. Granted, I need a couple pair of earrings, necklaces, and a watch to complete a dress outfit ~ but at this point, I have what I need ~ and to think that it is still more than others out in this world.

By mid-life our home and life is cluttered with our past. Now, it’s always wonderful to have family heirlooms and pictures to look at of memories forgotten; yet; I am finding how great of an opportunity my husband and I have right now. Everything from before we met had to somehow create a oneness, which is hard to do when you both bring in so much baggage ~ physically and emotionally. At this point in our life, after seven years of marriage, we finally have the gift of being able to create “us” and come together creating that oneness we have both longed for.

The last month my prayer to God was for strength to endure and peace that passeth all understanding. I mourned over the loss of the Chihuahuas, but I didn’t ask why, I just held onto the fact that His plan is perfect, to spite how we feel. Some days when I didn’t feel I had a prayer I held onto my faith for survival. Day by day things got a little easier.

We are finally out of the hotel and into a rental house. I truly believe with every fiber of my being we were blessed with such a nice place and furniture due to our steadfastness in our faith. In James 1:2-4 we are told to praise God through our trials, and we did. The house? It’s a beautiful older, two-story home with a Victorian style. The insurance company rents the furniture and uses specific vendors. We were told it was like hotel furniture. So, at this point, we were clueless how everything was going to look, whether it was comfortable, etc. As the movers pulled furniture out piece by piece we once again saw God’s hand at work. The housewares girls came in and made the beds, setup the kitchen and bathrooms, made sure there was a decorative item and a photo in each room. They were so thorough in things you may need that they even brought things down to a plunger and measuring cup. God tells us to not worry about our daily needs, He will provide. It was overwhelming to see how He does provide when we hold onto our faith in Him throughout our storms.

I started writing this Thanksgiving Eve and now finishing the day after Thanksgiving. I must say it was one of the best Thanksgivings I have ever had. It wasn’t about the meal for we ate sandwiches while working some around the house. Our Thanksgiving was truly a day that we spent in awe of God’s greatness and being thankful for every small thing.

As Christians, we are always to give thanks to the Lord. This year made me think of how many times I may have said the words but this time ~ I was truly meaning every one of them. I sat in silence by myself a lot, feeling the peace I had prayed for; I looked around at how God provided for us ~ we truly had a day of Thanksgiving.

My friends, no matter your storm, hold onto your faith and leave everything in God’s hands and watch what He will do. Not only does He live up to His promises, but you can be an inspiration for those around who are watching you go through your storm.

This is DeVaughn ~ bringing it home.


The Last Time

I had started writing this 5 days ago and couldn’t bring myself to finish it. Hopefully, I can tonight. It starts out “two weeks ago” because that’s when I started writing it originally so I will leave it in its original timing. It may not flow as smoothly as others I have written but due to the chaos of the moment ~ it’s real.


Two weeks ago, I was sitting out on the back porch with Nacho and Scooch, our Chihuahuas, enjoying the weather and some coffee. Little did I know it would be the last time I would cuddle with them, the last time I enjoyed sitting on the recliner on the porch, the last time….

I went inside about 6:35 p.m. (Monday, October 24th) waiting for some dear friends to drop me off a plate to eat. I was lying on the couch and heard the Chihuahuas on the porch but didn’t think much of it. It sounded like they were possibly going to start singing. Little did I know they were calling for help. About 5 minutes later I heard a big BOOM sound followed by a second one. I got off the couch and walked to my office only to see the back porch in flames. I ran to the door, opened the door only to realize it was totally engulfed with flames and the roof was beginning to fall in piece by piece. Momentarily I stood, unable to move, as I looked at the recliners, where I last saw the Chihuahuas, burning at a pace one could never imagine. I was looking where our babies lost their lives minutes earlier.

At that point I knew that I had to do everything I could. I called 9-1-1 and neighbors were already outside calling as well. The fire was spreading quickly and time was running out. Against my neighbor’s wishes I ran back in to get our German Shepherds, Diamond and Zeus. I brought them through the garages to the front doors because people were already out there and could help get them. Diamond and I made it out the door with Zeus right with us. Once we got out I realized Zeus didn’t come. He had stayed in to try to save the Chihuahuas and making sure no one else was in the house.

I was outside on the lawn bawling. My son ran to the house once someone got him and he told me there was too much smoke, he couldn’t go in. I had already lost my fur babies and couldn’t stand to lose Zeus. I called his breeder who immediately got prayers from all over with social media. About 20 minutes later a volunteer firefighter walked out with Zeus in his arms. He didn’t get burned but inhaled a lot of smoke. They immediately started oxygen treatments.

As I sat on the lawn I couldn’t stop crying over the loss and kept screaming to get Zeus and my Daddy’s flag. So much hurt and pain traveling through every fiber of my being. I was covered in soot from going back in, coughing and having a hard time breathing. My husband got there as soon as possible. Our home, our memories, our fur babies….it was all gone within minutes. Yes, we were alive but stood there watching our life as we knew it burn to ashes.

As soon as Zeus was conscious we rushed him to the emergency animal hospital where he spent 4 days with oxygen treatment, x-rays, etc. to make sure he was ok. God blessed us with such a wonderful vet who told us “no charge.”

It took about a week and a half, a lot of tears and prayers for the nightmares to go away. Every time I tried to sleep I could still hear Scooch and Nacho barking, smelling the smoke, watching the flames that took their lives, the sounds of the roof as it was caving in behind me as I ran…over and over again.

Even though life does go on and we all have our memories, there’s always that part that wishes you could have just one more day. To cuddle more, to love more, to say things left unsaid, to get more hugs and kisses…

Amongst the grief and pain, not to mention tears, lies hope and faith for tomorrow ~ for what God has planned for our lives. The sadness is normal as is the grieving, but all our days must be lived in faith ~ faith that God’s got this. Turning over the pain and grief into His hands one day at a time.

So, if you’re finding yourself too busy to spend time with your fur babies, your children, your spouse, family, etc. slow down a little bit. They need your love and attention. You never know when that kiss and hug is…. the last time.

This is DeVaughn ~ bringing it home.

Lessons From a Dog

All throughout life we learn lessons. Some are taught from books but most of them seem to be from mistakes made; which in some cases makes the mistake worthwhile, as long as one did learn the lesson. Then there are those of us who seemed to not grasp it and made the same mistake over and over again (at least a few more times). One mistake I made within the last few months was not continuing to write.

In May I had received bad news regarding my Pomeranian mix, Bella. She was diagnosed with an extreme case of IVDD (spinal disease). The most we could do for a while was treat her with meds to keep her comfortable. Before we go any further ~ let me describe Bella for you. Physically she had the coloring and shape of a miniature German Shepherd. She didn’t have the usual Pomeranian tail. In reality, she barely had one at all, just a cute, little stub. Possibly due to this is why when she was happy she would wag the whole bottom half of her body while tap dancing on the floor. She was always “smiling”, friendly to other humans and dogs, and stole the heart of everyone who met her. Aside from that, she was my best friend. She kissed the tears from my eyes, cuddled next to me and felt the need to be my protector. As the head of the pack, she took care of everyone. Now you can imagine my Bella girl. On with the story…

For a couple months Bella seemed to be doing fine and needing only minimal medication. Here’s where God’s plan and His hand once again took control of my life. Through Facebook, I had started a prayer chain for a wonderful boy, Odin. I was blessed to meet Debbi Willis, breeder of working German Shepherds, Stone Creek Shepherds. We started talking due to Bella but had met because of Odin. Shortly down the road Peter got a beautiful, black German Shepherd, Diamond. Within 2 weeks God had dealt the hand and Debbie brought one of her service dogs, Zeus, to me for a new home. What a beautiful, big boy he is! Zeus and Bella hit it off from the very first day and became buddies. Within another week we realized Bella had given Zeus approval for taking care of me ~ changing of the guards. The next two weeks those two were practically joined at the hip. I felt my world was complete. Diamond was once again in the house with Peter and I had Zeus and Bella. My friends, hold onto those special moments….

A few days later the Chihuahuas also joined the pack inside and everyone was feeling their place out. Wednesday night, I brought Bella out on the porch because she didn’t care to join everyone; instead, she laid on her favorite couch. I was feeling emotional about the reality that one day I would have to put her down. She started licking my tears and gave me more love that night than ever before. I was thanking God for my blessings and my Bella girl. As I spoke with Debbi I told her it would be easier for me if something happened to her than to hope I know when the right time is. God heard me.

Thursday morning Peter woke me up telling me we had to take Bella and put her down. To not go into the details I can tell you God did hear my words; something happened and I took her to the vet. She remained stoic and leaning on me. As she was crossing over the Rainbow Bridge, I was there telling her it was ok ~ she could go ~ Zeus will take care of me ~ I love you ~ it’s ok…

We took her home and the dogs watched intensely from the porch as Peter buried her. For two days we have all mourned, especially me and Zeus. I looked at Peter that night and told him “Babe, we need to learn from this. We’re always so busy taking care of things we keep putting “us” off. It could’ve been one of us.”

The more I thought about Bella the more I realized that she taught me some very important life lessons:

  1. Always smile through the pain.
  2. No matter how silly it looks, always have a smile and a little dance when your man comes home.
  3. Kiss away the tears of your loved ones.
  4. Always be friendly and protective of all.
  5. Live in the moment. Love in the moment. Let your life make a difference.

This is DeVaughn ~ bringing it home.

Bella memorial

Following Orders

It’s amazing how from the day we’re born until we gasp for our last breath we seem to always be taking orders from someone. As a child we take orders from our parents, maybe older siblings, teachers, etc. Then we think we’re out of the house and can do what we want. NOT! If you go to college you’re taking orders from professors when each assignment and exam will be due. Once in the work world, always taking orders from bosses. Then one day we all dream of the day of bliss ~ marriage ~ which once again leads to what? Taking orders. Then life becomes even more twisted when you’re giving orders as a parent, only praying that your guidance will make a difference.

Following orders is the hard part of life. In the military there is a specific chain of command and everyone, no matter the rank, is always taking orders from someone else. Respect is shown to those in authority due to protocol, whether you agree with them or not. It’s a shame that in every day life people tend to lose that aspect of showing respect to those in charge. Then again, there’s always consequences when one doesn’t follow orders; not just in the military.

Take a look back at Jonah and where He ended up by not following orders. Just a small example but it makes the point. In the Bible we are given guidelines as Christians but do we follow them? Are we praying a lot? Are we in the Word a lot? Oh, and then what do we do when God does call on us? Are we obedient as Abraham was or do we run like Jonah?

In my book, “The Naked Truth”, in one of the chapters I touched on answering God’s call and how vital it is to do so. There are three people who have impacted my Christian life because they did answer His call ~ Rick and Tanya Curren, and Bob Stacy. If they had not answered His calling, I tremble at the thought where my life would be now. Not only did they talk with me about my spiritual walk, but were all very encouraging about me writing the book and following God’s call for my life

As a pianist, after you perform you hear by applause if people enjoyed your performance. As an author, sometimes you hear what people think but it’s few and far between. It was because of lack of response there has been a dead space in my writing and blogging. I was beginning to wonder if I misunderstood God’s calling ~ until this last weekend on Valentine’s Day.

I spoke at Ardenwoods in Arden, SC. In January I spoke there and took copies of my book to give to the congregation as they had become family to me. Saturday, the 13th, I received a phone call asking for more books and if I would bring them for those who weren’t there to receive one. That in itself put me on cloud nine with all of the compliments that followed in the voice mail. Of course, I was happy to take some more! I spoke Sunday morning on God’s love for us and how we show our love for God. Afterwards, the gentleman who plays the organ started talking privately with me. He’s 94 years old and cancer now has hospice visiting him once a week. He talked with me about what he’s going through and stated he wasn’t ready because he wasn’t assured of his salvation. We spoke for a while, Bob Stacy joined in and tears were flowing. We prayed and then we all went to brunch. I was informed then that they have been trying to talk with him about his salvation for 12 years, yet I made the difference. To be blunt about it, God used me as His vessel.

What I’m trying to emphasize is how important it really is to follow God’s orders when he calls on you. If I had not written this book, started speaking and gave some away, this wonderful man may still not be assured about his salvation in his final days. Seeing how God works using just one willing person to help someone else in their spiritual walk was truly a blessing. Others have affected mine and I saw the difference ~ but to think that God could use me? He can use anyone!

I shared this with you to remind you how much of a difference you can make in someone’s life. You don’t have to be an author or speaker, just be you ~ the perfect you that God created. When you’re feeling that tug to speak to someone about Jesus, don’t be afraid for the Holy Spirit will guide you. We are all witnesses and it’s everyone’s job, not just the pastor, to be talking with others about Jesus. I urge you to look beyond yourself, step out of your comfort zone ~ make a difference today.

This is Devaughn ~ bringing it home.

I’ll Be Home for Christmas

The song “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” was released by Bing Crosby in 1943 and was written in perspective of the soldiers serving in WWII. This one song touched me more than normal one particular Christmas. I was living in North Carolina and couldn’t afford to go home. That previous August I saw my son before he was to be deployed to Iraq. I couldn’t go home and my son was at war ~ I couldn’t even listen to the song without heartfelt tears streaming down my face. Since then, every Christmas when I hear this song my heart goes out to everyone who can’t be home for Christmas, no matter what the reason.

The Christmas season is one of joy, festivities, families get together and don’t forget ~ exchanging of gifts. Ah, but it is really? Amongst all of the hustle and bustle most people tend to forget the true celebration of Christmas ~ the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. The greatest gift we have ever received was this child born in a manger who came for no other reason than to save us all. He took off His crown and came to be born a human man ~ man and God in one. Born a child of a mere carpenter, He was born a King. It is truly remarkable when you think about it ~ Jesus being born in a stable yet the King of the world. He left His home to come to ours ~ to give us the gift of salvation.

As Christmas nears and everyone is considering all of the gifts, both bought and what you will receive, please take the time to remember the greatest gift of all ~ the birth of Jesus Christ for our salvation. If you have not taken the opportunity to ask Jesus into your heart, please click on contact me, send me a message and let me speak with you. If throughout the hustle and bustle of life you have been away for a while, give Jesus the greatest gift you could ~ pray and talk with Him and tell Him “I’ll be home for Christmas.”

May God Bless you and your family throughout this joyous season! Merry Christmas!

This is DeVaughn ~ bringing it home.

Who Do You Listen To?

In March I pinched a nerve and was laid up for quite a while. Only recently was I able to go back to work and only light duty for 3-4 hours at a time. I am happy because I’m finding that each day I can do a little more without bad pain! Praise God! My first day back was great! I felt like I came home seeing familiar faces. There were new faces as well but it was great seeing everyone again. Our GM passed away in July and it was the first time I worked without him. He was wonderful at what he did and who he was. So, here I go back happy to see everyone and anxious to get back into the swing of things. Needless to say, the swing wasn’t what I was familiar with. Of course, there’s always some drama in every workplace. I got bombarded with so much just a short amount of time back I didn’t know who to believe! As always, I sat back and watched and let the truth unfold.

Just this experience made me think of life itself. We all have those “voices” that tell us right from wrong ~ but which one do we listen to? Do we justify our actions and words by telling ourselves lies or by convincing ourselves that it’s not really that “wrong” (whatever ‘that’ is)? These are some powerful questions for all of us, definitely worth taking time to think about.

Recently, I was counseling someone and spoke about finding strength and peace in God and His word. She mentioned she had a Bible app and devotionals. All of that is great ~ but, my first instruction was to get rid of the technology and pick up the Book. Yes, you read correctly. Many times over we find ourselves so caught up with technology that we listen constantly to others on videos, their thoughts, etc. Pick up the Bible itself, hold it close to you. There’s something supernatural that happens every time I pick up the Bible itself; then more so by reading it.

I want to urge everyone to take the time away from what everyone else is saying and listening to ‘their’ thoughts and words. Pick up the Bible and let God speak to you; especially in today’s world with so many wrong teachings of His word. The Bible has answers for every question about what you need to do when you have questions. You may not like the answer but it’s there. We always ask other people what to do, what they believe, etc. and yet He is the last one that is turned to for answers and guidance instead of being the first one we should go to. So, in closing I ask you ~ who do YOU listen to?

This is DeVaughn ~ bringing it home.